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The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work



About John Gottman, Ph.D. & the Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work

World-renowned for his work on marital stability and divorce prediction, John Gottman, Ph.D. has conducted 50 years of breakthrough research with thousands of couples. His work on marriage and parenting has earned him numerous major awards. He is the author or co-author of over 200 published academic articles and more than 40 books, including the bestselling the Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work. John Gottman revolutionized the study of marriage by using rigorous scientific procedures to observe the habits of married couples in unprecedented detail over many years.

The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work book summarizes this research and guides couples on the path toward a harmonious and long-lasting relationship. Packed with practical questionnaires and exercises, the Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work is the definitive guide for anyone who wants their relationship to attain its highest potential. It aids couples in deepening the friendship foundation of their relationship, managing conflict successfully, honoring each other’s dreams, and creating shared meaning. the Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work has been used around the world by thousands of couples to strengthen their relationship. 

About The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work Seminar

The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work Seminar, based on The New York Times bestseller the Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work, was developed from Dr. Gottman’s four decades of research with more than 3,000 couples. Over the years, Drs. John and Julie Gottman have continued to fine-tune their innovative method of disrupting negative behaviors that send relationships onto the rocks.

Showing partners how to work with the small daily moments that make up the heart and soul of any relationship, the Seven Principles will teach couples proven, practical, and effective strategies for making marriage work. Couples will learn to strengthen their relationships in a variety of ways including deepening their love maps, fostering fondness and admiration, facilitating turning toward each other, accepting influence, solving solvable problems, overcoming gridlock, creating shared meaning, and maintaining gains. 

The relationship skills presented during the seminar are applicable to couples who are engaged, contemplating marriage, all the way through couples who have been together for a lifetime, but desire to deepen and enhance their relationship. The aim is to provide couples with practical tools to enhance and improve their relationships while understanding the research-based foundation from which the tools and skills are derived. This workshop does not provide psychotherapy nor is it intended to take the place of couples counseling, but it does provide practical skills in a psychoeducational format that can help couples strengthen their relationships.

Participants will learn to: 

  1. Deepen their knowledge of one another.
  2. Build friendship and trust.
  3. Recognize and respond to bids for emotional connection.
  4. Be open to influence.
  5. Understand and work with both solvable and difficult problems.
  6. Get through gridlocked conflict.
  7. Create a special “Story of Us.”
  8. Maintain their relationship gains.

Congratulations on taking the first step to begin or continue your journey of deep and loving partnership! 

Benefits of Participating in the Class

  1. It can be encouraging to work on one’s relationship in the context of other couples that are doing the same thing.
  2. It may be less threatening than seeking couples therapy.
  3. Signing up for a class on marriage and relationships may eliminate some of the uncertainty and hesitation some couples have about working on their relationship on their own.
  4. A class format encourages both partners to work on their relationship rather than one partner alone reading a book without the other’s participation.
  5. The Seven Principles Couples Program provides a great opportunity to learn skills that can enrich your relationship through a lifetime.
  6. The instructor has already read the book (several times!) and has familiarized themself with the Gottmans’ work. The class provides the structure and motivation to basically work through the book with guided activities, active involvement, and while following a schedule.

Who the Class is Not Suited For

Psycho-educational classes are not suited for everyone, including those with severe relationship distress, significant emotional or physical abuse, serious emotional or mental health problems, relationships where one or both partners are actively addicted to drugs or alcohol, and relationships with serious compulsive behavior with gambling, sexual acting out, and other disruptive behaviors. Should the presence of these situations be discovered during a class, an immediate referral will be made for the individual or couples therapy. Refunds will not be provided.

The Next Opportunity to Participate…

Date/Time/Location Coming Soon!


Our goal for you is simple: To strengthen your relationship.


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 (302) 430-2127